1) Run RFC.exe, Hit the button "Open File". Next, choose the interest we file (. Edf or. Dat), click on "Open" (If you open. Edf file will have to wait a few seconds until he deshifruetsya, while in the 6zhe directory will create a backup file. Edf.bak);
2) find the bank, put its value in the window reyuza and Hit the button "Apply";
3) After graduating with banks, press the "Save file" (The results remain the same file, which is open);
4) Keep can be in two modes:. Edf (you can put the rollback on the date) or. Dat (if this is not the data will be stored in the already established / open file);

New in version
- The possibility of opening. Edf and. Dat files;
- Banks are now sorted by race (Cora, Bellato, Akretiya);
- Added the possibility to choose the type of save files;
- For. Edf files, it is possible to roll back the creation of a certain date.

Do not forget to put plyusiki

Z.Y. This program does not Toco NR, and another FP and SP
